Experimental protocols for vigilance and circadian effects
Field: Applications of Computational Intelligence
- Speaker: Dr. Udo Trutschel
- Overview
- Aims
- Methods
- Lavie-9/13 Protocol
- Discussion:
- consequences for future research
- concept of a pilot study at vigilance testing lab (Univ. of Appl. Sc. Schmalkalden)
Microsleep Detection and Lapses of responsiveness
Field: Applications of Computational Intelligence
- Speaker: Prof. Martin Golz
- Overview
- Current State
- Problems
- PhD Thesis of Peiris, Univ. of Christchurch, NZ
- Discussion:
- Continuous tracking tasks
- Feature extraction in time domain
- consequences for future research
Time-Frequency Analysis by Matching Pursuit
Field: Applied adaptive signal processing
- Speaker: Dr. David Sommer
- Overview of Time-Frequency Analysis
- Theoretical background of Matching Pursuit
- Problems
- Discussion:
- Potential of Matching Pursuit
- Option for combination with Computational Intelligence
- Consequences for the work of a student on his diploma thesis
Continuous Vigilance Tasks
Field: Applied adaptive signal processing
- Speaker: Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Thomas Schnupp
- Overview
- Compensatory Tracking Task (CTT)
- Problems
- Discussion:
- Potential of CTT
- Status of own research
- Impact on the design for an upcoming experimental study
- Training of the visuomotoric coordination
- Additional experiments to get extended baseline variables
- Analysis utilizing Computational Intelligence
Tools for managing of shift work schedules
Field: modelling and simulation
- Speaker: Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Sebastian Gerecke
- Overview
- Report on several references in the scientific literature
- Types of schedules
- Concepts of optimization utilizing Constraint Programming
- Discussion:
- Integration into the current research project TALMA (technological methods of alertness managements)
- Light treatment
Current state of VES (Vigilance Expert System)
Field: modelling and simulation
- Speaker: Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Christian Heinze
- Concept and basics
- Current progress
- Central part of the current research project TALMA (technological methods of alertness managements)
- Discussion:
- Integration of continuously measured variables
- Integration of variables measured at discrete, low-amount variables
- Light treatment: modelling and simulation