Falk Lederer

Professor at Friederich Schiller Universitat Jena, Germany


The primary research interests of Falk Lederer are devoted to the intrinsic localization of light in nonlinear media, to ultrafast all-optical processes, to discrete optics and to the control of light in engineered photonic materials. His group is well acknowledged in the scientific community for several fundamental papers on novel nonlinear localized structures and discrete optical effects. He authored and co-authored about 280 scientific papers in peerreviewed journals. He contributed to 10 books on nonlinear optics and provided numerous invited talks at international conferences and workshops. He has active collaboration and joint papers with scientists in more than 10 countries. He and his group were over the last 15 years involved in a number of research programs, including a collaborative research clusters on "Physics and Chemistry of Optical Films".   He was the initiator and contributed essentially to the Innovation Center "Optical Information Processing". He provided essential input to the establishment and to the work in the research unit "Nonlinear spatio-temporal dynamics in dissipative and discrete optical systems". He was and is a member of the Priority Programs Optical Signal Processing, Optical Transmission Networks and Photonic Crystals.  On the European scale Falk Lederer was the coordinator of the project ROSA on ultrafast optical signal processing.


Uwe Langbein

Professor at University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden, GermanyEngineering Optics at the University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden, Germany. His scientific interests include waveguide- and microoptics, optical sensors, scientific photography and didactics of optics-teaching. He is co-author of about 50 publications including book-articles. Uwe Langbein is member of the Institute of Microtechnologies of the German Society of Applied Optics, the Optical Society of America, and the German Physical Society. Since his appointment he was elected department dean for two terms.


Bill Sirois

Senior Vice President & COO of Circadian Technologies, Inc., US


Bill Sirois is Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for CIRCADIAN.  He is responsible for all CIRCADIAN services in North America and Europe, including development of Industrial Shiftwork Strategies, Alertness Assurance programs, Human Alertness Technologies, Ergonomics programs, Industrial Engineering, Pre-employment Screening, Behavioral Safety Development, and Bio-compatible Shiftwork Scheduling. By addressing human limitations and capabilities, Bill Sirois has demonstrated that a new frontier of opportunity exists for human asset utilization and continuous improvement in overall employee health, safety, and operational performance for all types of business.
Bill has a chemical engineering and ergonomics background, with more than three decades of operational management and consulting experience in the areas of health, safety, and productivity.  He is internationally recognized as an expert in workforce management, and is frequently quoted in the Wall Street Journal and numerous trade publications.   Bill has also lectured extensively as a featured speaker at numerous corporate meetings and international conferences, including the National Association of Manufacturers, The Society of Plastics Engineers, National Ergonomics Conference, The American Petroleum Institute, The American Shipping Club, International Semiconductor Safety Association, Canadian Electric Association, the National Food Processors Association, the National Transportation Safety Board, the Puerto Rico Health and Safety Conference, and the Institute of Mining Health, Safety and Research.



Attorney at Law Waltershausen, Germany


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